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How To Treat A Sprained Ankle?


If you're a victim of sprained ankle and wish to recover at home, then the best method you can do is applying the RICE method or Rest Ice-based treatment Compression and Elevation. As a matter of fact, this is a popular method for treating sprained ankle and is being practiced in different parts of the world. At the same time, it's also a proven to be effective. Learn more about sprinkled ankles, go here. 


On the other hand, even though the method is quite popular, the smartest thing to do before you engage in this rehabilitation method is consulting your physician to be able to know what degree of rest, ice, compression as well as elevation you need.




This is thought as among the most effective treatments to recover from sprained ankles. Medical studies have suggested that if the sprained area of the foot is kept in rest for a set period of time, it can help the disjoined ligaments as well as broken bones to be joined quickly. But most people seem to be doubtful whether they should take a rest or go with some other activities similar to massaging.



Another very effective and important treatment material for those who have sprained ankles. Say that you get sprained ankle and make use of ice in the injured part within the first 4 hours of injury, the levels of swelling and pain is supposed to be lower. It also helps the injury to recover faster. Medical studies have figured out that if ice could be used in time properly, the possibility of recovering from the injury is increased to 50 percent. But there are basic precautions when using ice like for the fact that it shouldn't be directly used on the skin and instead, it should be used with napkins and towels. You can visit website here for more great tips!



This is yet another important stage of the treatment for sprained ankle. Compression means that you make use of elastic wraps or any type of support to be able to quicken the process of recovery. But, you should never use wraps that aren't prescribed by doctors. Be sure that you get suggestions from them first and never tie it too tight.



This refers to elevating the injured part so by that, the excessive blood flow doesn't reach to swollen ankle. It also helps injured ankle to recover fast. Doctors even suggest to use special pillows and chairs for elevation purposes as this greatly eliminates the swelling and pain. Take a look at this link  for more information. 

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